Steampunk Diaries – June 1st, 1878
Steampunk Diaries – June 1st, 1878
This Steamboat has been making quite good time until the boiler sprung a major leak during the night. The Captain and Mates were able to move the boat somewhat closer to shore in preparation of disembarkment of the Women and Children. Unlike an Sea going vessel we are woefully short of any emergency means of conveyance.
The head boiler man was able to turn a release valve at some considerable risk to himself. The resulting steam pressure badly scalded some of the crew, leaving one blind. The boat’s doctor who also doubled as cook, myself and another passenger with some medical training were able to relieve some small amount of the poor devils suffering by ordering regular swabbing with river water. A few of the female passengers have gladly taken on this duty in their gratitude.
The steam boat remains on shore this morning after being pulled there by another. Word has spread throughout the locality and we have become some what of a tourist attraction. With the Captain’s permission, the boiler men have been able to secure the services of a qualified black smith to make the necessary repairs. I am told that they shall be the rest of the day and evening to do so.
The remainder of the passengers and crew are on land exploring a village and some ruins that I am told date back to the sixteenth century. There are some rumors that the nobles daughter fell off the ramparts in distress of news of her lover’s demise in the war. The rumors diverge from here. Some state that the father followed her to his own death. Others state that he lived to an old age but fell upon hard times and could not afford to pay his liengeld.
This village has exceptionally good cheeses which pair nicely with a slightly spicy ham also made locally. Again I have secured some of both for my own pantry. At this rate of culinary discovery I fear I shall be destitute before sampling these wares in my own home.
A Lord Wulfbach has invited the Captain and myself to dine with him tonight. His home is over the hill some distance but easily attainable on horse back. The beasts are not as good shape as some fine English horses would be, but they seem more suited and hearty in the rugged terrain this area affords.